Site Development Drone Footage

A proposal submitted by the Little Rock Regional Chamber successfully secured $2 million in site development funds for the Little Rock Port Megasite. The funds were secured through the Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) Site Development Program. Funds will be used to finalize site due diligence, remove on-site structures, and clear the site. The Arkansas Site Development Program is intended to provide matching funding for sitedevelopment improvement activities that will enhance industrial site readiness and competitiveness for job-creating projects.

Staff from the Little Rock Regional Chamber advocated for the creation of this program, supporting the state in an attempt to provide competitive tools against neighboring states heavily investing in site development:

● Missouri: $75 million
● Mississippi: $56 million
● Alabama: $30 million
● Oklahoma: $30 million
● Tennessee: $18 million

Home to over 50 companies – and eight international companies – the Port of Little Rock is a proven destination for corporate investment, employing nearly 10,000 Arkansans. Eleven companies have selected the Port of Little Rock since 2020 for significant investments. Arkansans from 48 counties find employment at the port or nearby airport, serving as critical economic engines for the state.

In October, the Little Rock Regional Chamber hosted a panel of site location consultants that suggested taking down trees, getting wetlands delineated, evaluating soil borings and other tasks to help prospective businesses visualize the site better. To date, Little Rock has spearheaded over $20 million in City and federal investment to purchase land and develop infrastructure for the Little Rock Port Megasite.